Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sankt Wendel Ostermarkt 2015

The Ostermarkt in Sankt Wendel was by far the best Easter market we have been to this year.

 At the beginning of the market they had this beautiful sculpture that is made out of easter eggs. There were tons of stands selling a wide variety of items. When we first arrived we walked around and looked at all the stands to see what they had at each then on our second walk though we got some sort of bread that was in the shape of a bunny rabbit. I have no idea what it was called but it was slightly sweet and very delicious.

 They had bunny rabbit and a few little rides and games for kids. There was a tent you could walk thorough and see mini scenes with rabbits. For example they had a bunny hospital where the bunnies were doctors. They were very creative and done very well. It was extremely crowded inside the tent so we didn't see them all but we saw quite a few.


                                            Beautiful church in the middle of Sankt Wendel.

                                         Giant Easter egg with an Easter scene onside of it.

                              I know all of you have heard about the famous Easter dragon.

This is a Painted ostrich egg that I purchased at the market. 

For lunch we had some sort of sausage again I have no idea what I ate. We just went up to the stand asked if they spoke english and then pointed to the meat we wanted. After further research online I believe it was a weisswurst. Whatever it was it was very delicious. Whats funny about German sausage sandwiches is that the meat is about 8 inches long and the roll is only about 3 inches so you have a lot more sausage then you have roll. After lunch we walked around some more but it started to get crowded and it was cold and windy so we decided to get going. Before we could leave I had to get a Chimney cake. I had heard that they were very good so I had to try it myself. A chimney cake is similar to fried dough but it is wrapped about a large metal rod and cooked over coals till it is crunchy on the outside but soft on the inside. The cake is hallow in the middle and ends up in a coil and stands about 10 inches tall. We had ours in cinnamon sugar and it was hot and delicious.

If we decided to go to any Easter markets next year this would be the one we would go back to. The others we had attended are no where near as great as this one was.

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